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Frequently Asked Questions



Do you only provide Neurofeedback?

No.  Considering my extensive history with adult talk therapy, I continue to work with adult clients focusing on Trauma, Anxiety, and Personal Growth.  However, this website is dedicated to the pediatric services available to Neurodiverse populations.  Additional information related to the adult services I provide can be located on my Psychology Today profile.



Do you have to have an Autism diagnosis to receive Neurofeedback?

No, a diagnosis is not necessary to engage Neurofeedback treatment.  Neurofeedback is effective in managing many symptoms and a formal diagnosis is not necessary to focus on the specific behaviors and symptoms that services are being sought for.



Do I have to purchase a package?

When doing Neurofeedback, multiple sessions in a short duration of time are recommended to reinforce brain learning.  Imagine taking a complicated dance class.  Going to one class a week might give you basic steps and the opportunity for practice, but in order to truly learn sophisticated dance routines one has to practice frequently and in close succession.  Taking a class once per month might be fun and interesting but it's unlikely to truly create an opportunity for meaningful learning.  Due to this, packages are offered to support this learning, and to offer multiple complimentary services that can support one another.  The goal is to impact symptoms quickly.  At the time that it is determined clinically appropriate to reduce services, your clinician will speak to you about the tapering process and a cost package will be developed to support this.  However, all new pediatric clients would be expected to begin services with a commitment to this initial frequency of services. 



I'm worried my child is too wiggly to participate in Neurofeedback.  Can they still receive treatment?

Under the best conditions, a person is still and calm for Neurofeedback services.  However, when working with a pediatric population, especially any individual with potential special needs, a wiggly or resistant body is to be expected.  We partner with parents in order to problem solve how to engage treatment.  In these cases we are understanding to the fact that wiggles might get in the way of treatment until treatment is effective enough to reduce wiggling.  In other words, restlessness becomes the first target of treatment so that Neurofeedback can be engaged most successfully.



How many sessions of Neurofeedback will I need?


Every brain is unique and its training needs will be unique as well.  Our goal is symptom reduction, and/or relief, in the shortest timeframe possible.  Most research in general will typically reference 20 sessions when targeting specific symptoms.  In other words, if an adult is targeting depressed mood, the literature suggests approximately 20 sessions to relieve this depressed state.  Considering the complexity of the Neurodiverse Pediatric brain, and the multiple symptoms that may be targeted, it is difficult to identify an exact amount of services necessary to create symptom reduction in multiple domains. 



Do you accept insurance?

No.  We do however provide a statement that can be submitted for reimbursement.  We do not guarantee reimbursement.  We understand the cost of private pay treatment services can be challenging for families and we work with a model of short-term intense services to avoid the long term costs of services.



How long do Neurofeedback effects last and will I need it again in the future?

Neurofeedback is brain learning.  For the most part, once the brain has learned, it doesn't unlearn.  However, when working with pediatric brains, it is important to understand that as the brain goes through different developmental stages, the brain electricity changes as well.  If it doesn't change as expected, it is possible that additional training may be needed to help the brain along.



Are there any cautions to your program?

Yes.  Any time we are engaging in brain learning, we are taking the brain from its natural brain state, into a new state.  Though we are doing so in the pursuit of symptom relief, we must also caution from sending messages to the young person that they are not good enough as their whole intact self.  

In addition to this, any time one is reducing or eliminating symptoms there is also the possibility that medical professionals will no longer acknowledge their underlying disorder.  Do we cure Autism?  Absolutely NOT.  However, if the primary behaviors that are reduced or eliminated make your child less "visibly" autistic, it is possible that medical professionals will no longer maintain this diagnosis, or your child's services may be reduced due to it.  Especially for those that are seeking a diagnosis and are in a pre-diagnosis condition, it is important to be aware that if services are engaged and behaviors reduced, medical professionals may never provide this diagnosis. 


Obviously, we are looking at the overall greater good of symptom and distress relief, but these are both cautions that should be thoughtfully explored before engaging services.  



Can Neurofeedback make my symptoms worse?

Neurofeedback is essentially sophisticated brain learning.  Due to the complexity and uniqueness of each brain, it is possible that while training a particular area for a specific symptom that the brain doesn't respond as expected.  Just because the average brain has expected markers doesn't mean that every brain will respond in the expected manner.  Therefore, an unexpected result may occur.  A brain may need higher or lower stimulation to feel "just right".  This is why communicating with the clinician regarding how the individual is feeling and behaving is imperative.  The beauty of Neurofeedback being brain learning is that what is learned, can be unlearned. The clinician is able to take the feedback from the individual and make necessary adjustments to correct any issues.



What do I need to do to prepare for Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback requires using a conduction paste on the scalp.  The best condition for treatment is to have clean hair. Outside of this, being caffeine free for two hours prior to session will allow the brain to be in its natural state so that the brain data is not artificially impacted.  Any substance that alters the brain, outside of prescribed medication, should be avoided.



What if I don't match your target population?

Our focus on Early Intervention has challenged us to provide services to the age range of 1-5 years old.  We consider this to be our target.  However, if one is seeking any of the services we provide for a young person outside of this range, that is suspected to have or has a confirmed ASD diagnosis, contact us directly to determine if we can be supportive.  We aim to be flexible, though this will depend on availability.  

In general, the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is designed for all ages and is recommended in general to manage somatic symptoms related to nervous system dysregulation.  If a young person, or adult, is interested in this specific service, feel free to purchase directly, or to contact us for more information related to this specific service.  The SSP is contraindicated for Bipolar diagnosis.  If one has a suspected or confirmed Bipolar diagnosis, please do not purchase the SSP directly and instead outreach for guidance on how to move forward.

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